So, where am I? Well, Nashville, Tennessee, of course! Actually, this is a very strange place for me to be. I'm not much of a country music fan ... shhhhh ... don't tell anyone ... that's a very blasphemous thing to say here. I don't hate it or anything, just never acquired the taste for it. More of a rock and roll or classical music girl.
Anyway, we're here for a reunion of my DH's Army units ... the 7/17th Air Calvary ... and this year we ended up Nashville. I love to go to new places, so I always have a good time and it's great to see the women that I've come to know and love over the years.
We went on a bus tour of Nashville today and of course, we stopped at the Ryman Auditorium, so I thought I'd share a picture of my debut at the Ryman ...

We're off to dinner ... see ya'll later!