Friday, January 4, 2013

January 4, 2013

When I last posted, I was a couple of semesters into completing my degree.  It is now 1.5 years later and I'm half through my internship and will be graduating in May, 2013.  The degree is a master's in Mental Health Counseling. I think of this blog often and even MORE often, I think of sewing and of finishing projects.  Despite still being in school and all the complications of life, I've decided that this is the year to finish projects.  Time to get on with it already and besides, I want to start some new projects or perhaps take a quilting class for fun, I've got to at least get through some of the UFOs in my pile.

I'm hoping that there will be some readers out there in same boat and we can encourage each other along.  If not, then I'll be here on my own, attempting to sew :-) ...

If I can figure out how, I'll post a list of projects and cross them out as they are completed.  Not all will be completed this year, but my goal is to complete at least 4 quilts (small or large) and 2 other projects.

I do have to report that my sewing room is MUCH more orderly than the last picture.  I got rid of some furniture and and now it is a bit easier to move around in here, although still a bit of a challenge.  I have one more week of winter break so here is what I want to accomplish here in the sewing room, besides resurrecting a project or two:

  • dust
  • make curtains for the window (okay, so it's only been 3 years since we had the window replaced!)
  • make a curtain for the white cabinet (took the doors off about a year ago, and planned to cover with a curtain)
  • get projects organized
So, here's to a new year and hopefully, a lot of stitching!

Can't leave a post without some kind of photo, so here's my DH and our little Shatzie having a snuggle ...

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