Sunday, January 11, 2009

Time goes by ...

I'm continually amazed at how time can fly by and I don't get around to blogging or even quilting! It was an interesting Fall and even more interesting December. Most was good, some was dramatic (a tree fell on our house during the Northeast's big ice storm in December) and some was just kind of there ...

I'm back to focusing on quilting and enjoying every minute of it. I am hoping to join a sewing group and intend to begin attending my local quilt guild meetings again. This is the year that the guild has it's show and I'd really like to have some items to display and perhaps even participate in the show in other ways.

I have been doing some quilting and wanted to share a baby quilt I made in the Fall for my new grand-niece, Audrey. This was a sweet little pattern that included nine embroidery blocks. I wanted to use very cheerful colors for the setting, so I used a packet of 1930's fabrics I purchased a few years ago. The pattern is called "Baby's Day" and is published by Waltzing With Bears.

My favorite embroidery block:
And, here's a photo of the wee-one, Audrey. Born on December 2nd:
Well, I'm off to sew! Talk with you later!

1 comment:

jacquie said...

so glad you're back, deb. audrey is a doll! cute quilt for her too!